A very clever scientist, Peter Burkhard, PhD, from the University of Connecticut, is busily researching the very real possibility of a vaccine to treat/prevent nicotine addiction.
The science is actually very logical. If the immune system has circulating antibodies to nicotine, then anytime you light up, the antibodies will bind to the nicotine molecules entering your system, deactivating them. The nicotine will not be able to stimulate neurochemical receptors in the brain and you won’t experience any kind of a “high”. The vaccine, if it works, could save 7 million lives each year.
What isn’t logical is why they haven’t prioritized a chocolate vaccine first. 22% of the world’s population smokes, but 60% of the population are female. Clearly the research is being run by men who do not suffer the cravings, desire, guilt, weight loss attempts, more guilt and finally obesity, diabetes and death from chocolate addiction.
Come on clever people, rally together and help solve chocolate addiction!